Mage Best In Slot
Posted : admin On 4/9/2022TBC
Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear Guides for Burning Crusade Classic are now live, with detailed lists for useful items to acquire during Phase 2. Phase 2 introduces two new 25 man Raids, Tempest Keep's The Eye and Serpentshrine Cavern.
Along with the new raids, Profession items will be getting upgrades with Nether Vortex, which means many Blacksmiths will be looking forward to upgrading to a Dragonstrike or Stormherald. Engineers can finally craft their Epic goggles such as Deathblow X11 Goggles and Tankatronic Goggles.
As a visual example, here's an excerpt from the Rogue Phase 2 Gear Page highlighting various Chest Armor options, with gems and commentary.

Balance Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Feral Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Phase 2 BiS Arcane Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Fire Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Retribution Paladin DPS Phase 2 BiS Shadow Priest DPS Phase 2 BiS Combat Rogue DPS Phase 2 BiS Elemental Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Enhancement Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Affliction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Destruction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Arms Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS Fury Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS
Feral Druid Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Paladin Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Warrior Tank Phase 2 BiS

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Mage BiS: Best gear for PvE in Classic WoW (Best in slot) Hot Phase 2 to 6 gear is the list of the best piece of gear you can get for your Fire Mage and Frost Mage, that you will find in raids like Molten Core, Onyxia, The Black Wing Lair, Zul'Gurub, AQ40 and Naxxramas.

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As a visual example, here's an excerpt from the Rogue Phase 2 Gear Page highlighting various Chest Armor options, with gems and commentary.
Burning Crusade Classic DPS BiS

Balance Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Feral Druid DPS Phase 2 BiS Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Phase 2 BiS Arcane Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Fire Mage DPS Phase 2 BiS Retribution Paladin DPS Phase 2 BiS Shadow Priest DPS Phase 2 BiS Combat Rogue DPS Phase 2 BiS Elemental Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Enhancement Shaman DPS Phase 2 BiS Affliction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Destruction Warlock DPS Phase 2 BiS Arms Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS Fury Warrior DPS Phase 2 BiS
Mage Best In Slot Tbc Phase 1
Burning Crusade Classic Tank BiS
Feral Druid Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Paladin Tank Phase 2 BiS Protection Warrior Tank Phase 2 BiS
Mage Best In Slot Fire
Burning Crusade Classic Healer BiS

Mage Best In Slot Classic
Restoration Druid Healing Phase 2 BiS Holy Paladin Healing Phase 2 BiS Priest Healing Phase 2 BiS Restoration Shaman Healing Phase 2 BiSMage Best In Slot Wow
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Mage Best In Slot Tbc
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