Casino Royale Age Rating Uk
Posted : admin On 4/13/2022
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What Is Casino Royale Rated

Casino Royale Age Rating Uk Full
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Casino Royale was first submitted to the BBFC in September 2006 for an advice viewing. The BBFC's Director and Senior Examiners determined that Casino Royale was largely containable at the distributor's requested 12A, with the exception of a torture sequence.
Casino Royale Age Rating Uk Series
- Following a formal submission of Casino Royale to the BBFC, it was passed without further cuts with a 12A rating on October 30th 2006. After suffering numerous BBFC cuts to his 1995 Bond film, GoldenEye, Martin Campbell was surprised that such minor changes were all that was required to Casino Royale: In England, they didn't give a damn, and said that the violence is terrific.
- Casino Royale was the 4th highest-grossing film of 2006, and was the highest-grossing instalment of the James Bond series until Skyfall surpassed it in November 2012. Upon its release in the United Kingdom, Casino Royale broke series records on both opening day—£1.7 million —and opening weekend—£13,370,969.